

  • 井上達朗 Association of body mass index and weight change with death in patients with advanced cancer.
  • 井上達朗 Body mass index and weight change are associated with mortality in chronic kidney disease: a retrospective cohort study using a Japanese medical claims database.
  • 井上達朗 Diagnosis and prevalence of cachexia in Asians: a scoping review.
  • 井上達朗 Diagnosis and prevalence of sarcopenic obesity in patients with colorectal cancer: a scoping review.
  • 井上達朗(筆頭,責任著者) Hospitalization-associated disability prediction using hospital frailty risk score in older patients undergoing pancreatectomy.
  • 井上達朗 Impact of possible sarcopenia on functional prognosis in patients with acute stroke with premorbid disability.
  • 椿淳裕 Low muscle strength and physical function, but not muscle mass, contribute to falls in hemodialysis patients.
  • 井上達朗(責任著者) Low phase angle: a predictor of functional status and discharge disposition in acute stroke older patients.
  • 井上達朗 Predicting mortality risks in patients with heart failure using body mass index and weight loss at admission
  • 井上達朗 Prevalence of dysphagia in patients after orthopedic surgery.
  • 田宮創 (筆頭,責任著者) Prolonged sitting Induces elevated blood pressure in healthy young men: a randomized crossover trial.
  • 椿淳裕 Protein intake and its relationship with frailty in chronic kidney disease.
  • 田宮創 Relationship between falls, fear of falling, and physical activity level in hemodialysis patients.
  • 井上達朗 Relationship between nutritional status and clinical outcomes among older individuals using long-term care services : a systematic review and meta-analysis.
  • 椿 淳裕(筆頭,責任著者) Repeated acute hypotension induced by thigh cuff release and cerebral oxygenation changes.
  • 井上達朗(責任著者) Sarcopenia assessed using a questionnaire can predict in-hospital mortality in older patients with pulmonary tuberculosis.
  • 田宮創 Skeletal muscle quality assessment in patients with cardiac disease associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a pilot study.
  • 井上達朗 The added value of frailty assessment as the premorbid stroke status on activities of daily living in patients with acute stroke, stratified by stroke severity.
  • 椿淳裕,井上達朗,田宮創 The effect of sepsis and reactive oxygen species on skeletal muscle interstitial oxygen pressure during contractions.



  • 井上達朗 (責任著者) Malnutrition diagnosed by the Global Leadership Initiative on Malnutrition criteria as a predictor of gait ability in patients with hip fracture.
  • 井上達朗 (責任著者) Relationship between Nutrition-Related Problems and Falls in Hemodialysis Patients: A Narrative Review
  • 井上達朗 (筆頭) Diet-induced inflammation is associated with sarcopenia and muscle strength in older adults who visit a frailty clinic
  • 井上達朗 (筆頭著者) Exploring biomarkers of osteosarcopenia in older adults attending a frailty clinic
  • 井上達朗 (筆頭著者) Trajectories of the prevalence of sarcopenia in the pre- and post-stroke periods: A systematic review
  • 小島将(筆頭),椿 淳裕(責任著者) Temporal changes in cortical oxygenation in the motor-related area and bilateral prefrontal cortex based on exercise intensity and respiratory metabolism during incremental exercise in male subjects: a near-infrared spectroscopy study
  • 田宮創(筆頭) Long-term tailor-made exercise intervention reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and all-cause mortality in patients with diabetic kidney disease.



  • Inoue T, Maeda K, Satake S, Matsui Y, Arai H. Osteosarcopenia, the co-existence of osteoporosis and sarcopenia, is associated with social frailty in older adults. Aging Clin Exp Res, 2021. doi: doi: 10.1007/s40520-021-01968-y.
  • Inoue T, Shimizu A, Satake S, Matsui Y, Ueshima J, Murotani K, Arai H, Maeda K. Association between osteosarcopenia and cognitive frailty in older outpatients visiting a frailty clinic. Arch Gerontol Geriatr, 2021. doi: doi: 10.1016/j.archger.2021.104530.
  • Yagi T, Inoue T,* Ogawa M, Shimada Y, Heguri Y, Okada R, Iwata S, Kishimoto M. Sarcopenia affects activities of daily living recovery and hospitalization costs in older adults in convalescent rehabilitation wards. Eur Geriatr Med, 2021. doi: doi: 10.1007/s41999-021-00552-x
  • Inoue T, Iida Y, Takahashi K, Shirado K, Nagano F, Miyazaki S, Takeuchi I, Yoshimura Y, Momosaki R, Maeda K, Wakabayashi H. Nutrition and physical therapy: A position paper by the physical therapist section of the Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Nutrition (Secondary publication). JMA journal, 2022.
  • Inoue T, Takeuchi I, Iida Y, Takahashi K, Nagano F, Miyazaki S, Shirado K, Yoshimura Y, Momosaki R, Maeda K, Wakabayashi H. Disease-specific nutritional physical therapy: A position paper by the Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Nutrition (Secondary publication).. JMA journal, 2022.
  • Keiichi Oyanagi, Atsuhiro Tsubaki. Effects of increased respiratory rate on cortical oxygenated hemoglobin during low-intensity exercise. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.resp.2021.103691
  • Yuta Inagaki, Reo Sato, Takashi Uchiyama, Sho Kojima, Shnichiro Morishita, Qin Weixiang, Atsuhiro Tsubaki. Sex Differences in the Oxygenation of the Left and Right Prefrontal Cortex during Moderate-Intensity Exercise. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18105212
  • Naoto Usui, Minori Yokoyama, Junichiro Nakata, Yusuke Suzuki, Atsuhiro Tsubaki, Sho Kojima, Inatsu Akihito, Hideki Hisadome, Akimi Uehat. Association between social frailty as well as early physical dysfunction and exercise intolerance among older patients receiving hemodialysis. Geriatrics & Gerontology International, 2021. doi: 10.1111/ggi.14223
  • Nobuyuki Shirai, Suguru Yamamoto, Yutaka Osawa, Atsuhiro Tsubaki, Shinichiro Morishita, Kanami Igarashi, Ichiei Narita. Comparison of muscle strength between hemodialysis patients and non-dialysis patients with chronic kidney disease. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 2021. doi: doi.org/10.1589/jpts.33.742
  • Naoto Usui, Akimi Uehata, Junichiro Nakata, Akihito Inatsu, Atsuhiro Tsubaki, Masakazu Saitoh, Tomoko Izumi, Yasuo Chiba, Sho Kojima, Yusuke Suzuki. Effect of blood volume change related to intensity of intradialytic aerobic exercise on hemodialysis adequacy: a pilot study. International Urology and Nephrology, 2021. doi: DOI: 10.1007/s11255-021-03038-8
  • Shinichiro Morishita, Ryo Hirabayashi, Astuhiro Tsubaki, Osamu Aoki, Jack Fu, Hideaki Onishi, Tetsuya Tsuji. Relationship between balance function and QOL in cancer survivors and healthy subjects. Medicine, 2021. doi:
  • Nobuyuki Shirai, Suguru Yamamoto, Yutaka Osawa, Atsuhiro Tsubaki, Shinichiro Morishita, Kanami Igarashi, Ichiei Narita. Fear of falling and physical activity in hemodialysis patients: a pilot study. Renal Replacement Therapy, 2021. doi:



  • Shirai N, Tsubaki A, Morishita S, Honma D, Isobe S, Ikarashi K, Suzuki A, Murayama S. The Association between time spent in performing physical activity and physical function in outpatients with type 2 diabetes who may have diabetic neuropathy. Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews. 2020. 14(6)2111-2116
  • Morishita S, Nakano J, Fu JB, Tsuji T. Physical exercise is safe and feasible in thrombocytopenic patients with hematologic malignancies: a narrative review. Hematology (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 2020. (25)95-100
  • Morishita S, Tsubaki A, Hotta K, Qin W, Kojima S, Fu JB, Onishi H. Face Pain scale and Borg scale compared to physiological parameters during cardiopulmonary exercise testing. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 2020 [in press]
  • Inoue T, Wakabayashi H, Iida Y, Takahashi K, Miyazaki S. Differences the role of physical therapists in nutrition between USA and Japan. Physical Therapy. 2021 [in press]
  • Inoue T, Wakabayashi H, Maeda K, Momosaki R. Body mass index affects postoperative daily activities of older patients after gastrectomy. European Geriatric Medicine. 2021 [in press]
  • Inoue T, Maeda K, Nagano A, Shimizu A, Ueshima J, Murotani K, Sato K, Hotta K, Morishita S, Tsubaki A. Related Factors and Clinical Outcomes of Osteosarcopenia: A Narrative Review. Nutrients. 2020. 13, 2, 1-14
  • Inoue T, Maeda K, Nagano A, Shimizu A, Ueshima J, Murotani K, Sato K, Tsubaki A. Undernutrition, Sarcopenia, and Frailty in Fragility Hip Fracture: Advanced Strategies for Improving Clinical Outcomes. Nutrients. 2020. 12, 12, 1-26
  • Inoue T, Maeda K, Shimizu A, Nagano A, Ueshima J, Sato K, Murotani K. Calf circumference value for sarcopenia screening among older adults with stroke. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2021, 93
  • Nashimoto S, Morishita S, Hotta K, Iida S, Tsubaki A. Relationship between the face scale for rating of perceived exertion and physiological parameters in older adults and patients with atrial fibrillation. Physiological Reports. 2021, 9, 5, e14759
  • Okumura M, Inoue T, Melinda G, Saito T, Fukuta A, Makiura D, Inoue J, Sakai Y, Ono R. Social frailty as a risk factor for new-onset depressive symptoms at one year post-surgery in older patients with gastrointestinal cancer. J Geriatr Oncol. 2020. 11, 5, 904-907
  • Shimizu A, Maeda K, Honda T, Ishida Y, Ueshima J, Nagami S, Nagano A, Inoue T, Murotani K, Kayashita J, Fujishima I, Mori N. Comparison between the Global Leadership Initiative on Malnutrition and the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism definitions for the prevalence of malnutrition in geriatric rehabilitation care. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2020. 2, 12, 1221-1227
  • Nagano A, Maeda K, Koike M, Murotani K, Ueshima J, Shimizu A, Inoue T, Sato K, Suenaga M, Ishida Y, Mori N. Effects of Physical Rehabilitation and Nutritional Intake Management on Improvement in Tongue Strength in Sarcopenic Patients. Nutrients. 2020. 12, 10, 1-13
  • Sato K, Maeda K, Ogawa T, Shimizu A, Nagami S, Nagano A, Murotani K, Inoue T, Suenaga M. The functional assessment for control of trunk (FACT): An assessment tool for trunk function in stroke patients. NeuroRehabilitation. 2021. 48, 1, 59-66
  • 高橋治憲,堀田一樹,橋本和哉,金井梨里,小島将,森下慎一郎,椿淳裕. 健常成人の大腿動脈血流量は上肢クランク運動中に増加する.日本基礎理学療法学雑誌.2020. 23, 1, 61-70
  • 酒井渉,堀田一樹,石井佑典,浅見崇之,小島将, 森下慎一郎,椿淳裕.片脚ペダリング運動中の非運動脚の浅大腿動脈血流量は増加する.日本基礎理学療法学雑誌.2020, 23, 1, 71-78
  • 浅見崇之,堀田一樹,石井佑典,酒井渉,小島将,森下慎一郎,椿淳裕.片脚ペダリング運動中の非運動脚の母趾皮膚における温度と血流変化.理学療法科学.2020. 35, 5, 693-698
  • 堀田一樹.ストレッチングが骨格筋の微小循環に与える影響.日本基礎理学療法学雑誌.2021.23 (1), 31-36



  • Tsubaki A, Morishita S, Hotta K, Tokunaga Y, Qin W, Kojima S, Onishi H. Changes in the laterality of oxygenation in the prefrontal cortex and premotor area during a 20-min moderate-intensity cycling exercise. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology (JCR). (in press)
  • Kojima S, Morishita S, Hotta K, Qin W, Kato T, Oyama K, Tsubaki A. Relationship Between Decrease of Oxygenation During Incremental Exercise, Partial Pressure End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide: Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Vector Analysis. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology (JCR). (in press)
  • Kojima S, Abe T, Morishita S, Inagaki Y, Hotta K, Qin W, Tsubaki A. Acute moderate-intensity exercise improves 24-h sleep deprivation-induced cognitive decline and cerebral oxygenation: A near-infrared spectroscopy study. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology (JCR). 2020; 274: 103354
  • Qin W, Kojima S, Morishita S, Hotta K, Oyama K, Tsubaki A. Effects of 20-Minute Intensive Exercise on Subjects with Different Working Memory Bases.  Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology (JCR). (in press)
  • Sato D, Morishita S, Hotta K, Ito Y, Shirayama A, Kojima S, Qin W, Tsubaki A. Supine cycling exercise enhances cerebral oxygenation of motor-related areas in healthy male volunteers.  Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology (JCR). (in press)
  • Hashimoto K, Hotta K, Morishita S, Kanai R, Takahashi H, Tsubaki A. Cerebral oxygenation dynamics during incremental exercise: Comparison of arm cranking and leg cycling.  Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology (JCR). (in press)
  • Morishita S, Nakano J, Fu JB, Tsuji T. Physical exercise is safe and feasible in thrombocytopenic patients with hematologic malignancies: a narrative review. Hematology. 2020 Dec;25(1):95-100. doi: 10.1080/16078454.2020.1730556.
  • Kojima S, Morishita S, Qin W, Tsubaki A. Cerebral Oxygenation Dynamics of the Prefrontal Cortex and Motor-Related Area During Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test: A Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2020;1232:231-237. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-34461-0_29.
  • Morishita S, Wakasugi T, Kaida K, Itani Y, Ikegame K, Ogawa H, Fujimori Y, Domen K. Relationship Between Exercise Capacity and Muscle O2Hb Saturation in Patients Before Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Transplantation. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2020;1232:215-221. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-34461-0_27.
  • Ichinose Y, Morishita S, Suzuki R, Endo G, Tsubaki A. Comparison of the Effects of Continuous and Intermittent Exercise on Cerebral Oxygenation and Cognitive Function. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2020;1232:209-214. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-34461-0_26.
  • Wakasugi T, Morishita S, Kaida K, Itani Y, Ikegame K, Kodama N, Ogawa H, Fujimori Y, Domen K. Relationship Between Muscle Oxygen Saturation and Exercise Load in Patients with Malignant Hematopoietic Disease. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2020;1232:201-207. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-34461-0_25.
  • Mitobe Y, Morishita S, Ohashi K, Sakai S, Uchiyama M, Abeywickrama H, Yamada E, Kikuchi Y, Nitta M, Honda T, Endoh H, Kimura S, Sakano S, Koyama Y. Skeletal Muscle Index at Intensive Care Unit Admission Is a Predictor of Intensive Care Unit-Acquired Weakness in Patients With Sepsis. J Clin Med Res. 2019 Dec;11(12):834-841. doi: 10.14740/jocmr4027. Epub 2019 Nov 24.
  • Nakamura M, Sutoh S, Kiyono R, Sato S, Yahata K, Hiraizumi K, Morishita S. Efficacies of ultrasound and a handheld dynamometer to predict one-repetition maximum. J Phys Ther Sci. 2019 Oct;31(10):790-794. doi: 10.1589/jpts.31.790. Epub 2019 Oct 19.
  • Morishita S, Hirabayashi R, Tsubaki A, Aoki O, Fu JB, Onishi H, Tsuji T. Assessment of the Mini-Balance Evaluation Systems Test, Timed Up and Go test, and body sway test between cancer survivors and healthy participants. Clin Biomech(Bristol, Avon). 2019 Oct;69:28-33. doi: 10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2019.07.002. Epub 2019 Jul 2.
  • Fu JB, Molinares DM, Morishita S, Silver JK, Dibaj SS, Guo Y, Bruera E. Retrospective Analysis of Acute Rehabilitation Outcomes of Cancer Inpatients with Leptomeningeal Disease. PM R. 2020 Mar;12(3):263-270. doi: 10.1002/pmrj.12207. Epub 2019 Sep 12.
  • Morishita S, Tsubaki A, Hotta K, Fu JB, Fuji S. The benefit of exercise in patients who undergo allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. J Int Soc Phys Rehabil Med. 2019 Jan-Mar;2(1):54-61. doi: 10.4103/jisprm.jisprm_2_19. Epub 2019 May 22.
  • Yamauchi S, Morishita S, Uchiyama Y, Kodama N, Domen K.  An investigation into the factors related to independent walking in elderly inpatients with collagen diseases. J Int Soc Phys Rehabil Med. 2019;2:30-4. doi:10.4103/jisprm.jisprm_3_19.
  • Hotta K, Batchelor WB, Graven J, Dahya V, Noel TE, Ghai A, Katopodis JN, Dixon WC, Andrews R, Pragle A, Chheda J, Liberatore L, Behnke BJ, Muller-Delp J. Daily Passive Muscle Stretching Improves Flow-Mediated Dilation of Popliteal Artery and 6-minute Walk Test in Elderly Patients with Stable Symptomatic Peripheral Artery Disease. Cardiovasc Revasc Med. 2019; 20(8): 642-648.
  • 梨本智史,坂内将貴,井上雅之,杉戸 裕一,與口貴子,阿部健介,飯田晋,冨井亜佐子,眞田明子,岡田慎輔,杉浦広隆,樋口浩太郎,森下慎一郎椿 淳裕.外来介入開始時の身体活動量に影響を与える因子の検討-季節を加味した検討-.心臓リハビリテーション(協力学術研究団体)(印刷中)
  • 大嶋春乃,長濱秀明,小林千穂,椿 淳裕,小川智.動作時の呼吸困難感が強い慢性閉塞性肺疾患患者への呼吸リハビリテーション介入.日本呼吸ケア・リハビリテーション学会誌(協力学術研究団体).2019;28(2):254-258
  • 森下慎一郎、伊藤 歩, 奥田 生久恵, 重富 雄太, 椿 淳裕.造血幹細胞移植患者の移植前後における筋肉量や栄養状態と身体活動量の変化について.医療の広場.2019;59(6): 9-23



  • Tsubaki A, Morishita S, Tokunaga Y, Sato D, Qin W, Kojima S, Onishi H. Effect of Exercise Duration on Post-exercise Persistence of Oxyhemoglobin Changes in the Premotor Cortex: A Near-infrared Spectroscopy Study in Moderate-intensity Cycling Exercise. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology (in press)
  • Morishita S, Tsubaki A, Nashimoto S, Fu JB, Onishi H. Face scale rating of perceived exertion during cardiopulmonary exercise test. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine. 2018: 4: e000474
  • Morishita S, Mitobe Y, Tsubaki A, Aoki O, Fu JB, Onishi H, Tsuji T. Differences in Balance Function Between Cancer Survivors and Healthy Subjects: A Pilot Study. Integrative Cancer Therapies. 2018: 17(4): 1144-1149: 2018
  • Ichinose Y, Morishita S, Suzuki R, Endo G, Tsubaki A. Comparison of the Effects of Continuous and Intermittent Exercise on Cerebral Oxygenation and Cognitive Function. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology.
  • Kojima S, Morishita S, Qin W, Tsubaki A. Cerebral Oxygenation Dynamics of the Pre-frontal Cortex and Motor-Related Area During Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test: A Near-infrared Spectroscopy Study. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology.
  • Morishita S, Tsubaki A, Nakamura M, Nashimoto S, Fu JB, Onishi H. Rating of perceived exertion on resistance training in elderly subjects. Expert review of cardiovascular therapy. 2019: 17(2): 135-142
  • Yamazaki Y, Sato D, Yamashiro K, Tsubaki A, Takehara N, Uetake Y, Nakano S, Maruyama A. Inter-individual differences in working memory improvement after acute mild and moderate aerobic exercise. PLoS One. 2018: 3(12): e0210053
  • 遠藤 岳, 森下 慎一郎, 市瀬 裕也, 鈴木 理央, 椿 淳裕. 持続的運動と間欠的運動が外側広筋の筋酸素動態に及ぼす影響. 理学療法科学. 2019: 34(1): 131-133
  • 鈴木理央森下慎一郎市瀬裕也遠藤岳椿 淳裕. 中等度の間欠的運動が運動中の自律神経活動・循環動態へ及ぼす影響. 理学療法科学. 2019: 34(2): 245-248
  • Morishita S, Tsubaki A, Fu JB, Mitobe Y, Onishi H, Tsuji T. Cancer survivors exhibit a different relationship between muscle strength and health-related quality of life/fatigue compared to healthy subjects. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl). 2018 ;27(4):e12856.
  • Morishita S, Wakasugi T, Tanaka T, Harada T, Kaida K, Ikegame K, Ogawa H, Domen K. Changes in Borg scale for resistance training and test of exercise tolerance in patients undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Support Care Cancer. 2018;26(9):3217-3223.
  • Morishita S, Wakasugi T, Kaida K, Itani Y, Ikegame K, Ogawa H, Domen K. Fatigue, muscle oxygen consumption and blood flow to the skeletal muscle after allogeneic hema-topoietic stem cell transplantation. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2018;1072:293-298.
  • Morishita S, Tsubaki A, Takabayashi T, Fu JB. Relationship between the rating of perceived exertion scale and the load intensity of resistance training. Strength Cond J. 2018;40(2):94-109.
  • Tanaka T, Morishita S, Hashimoto M, Nakamichi T, Uchiyama Y, Hasegawa S, Domen K. Physical function and health-related quality of life in the convalescent phase in surgically treated patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma. Support Care Cancer. 2019; doi: 10.1007/s00520-019-04704-5.
  • Aoki O, Otani Y, Morishita S. Effect of eye-object distance on body sway during galvanic vestibular stimulation. Brain Sci. 2018;8(11): 191.
  • Wakasugi T, Morishita S, Kaida K, Itani Y, Kodama N, Ikegame K, Ogawa H, Domen K. Hemoglobin dynamics in the skeletal muscle of patients with malignant hematopoietic disease. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2018;1072:287-291.
  • Ohyanagi H, Tsubaki A, Morishita S, Obata H, Qin W, Onishi H. Changes in the prefrontal cortex oxygenation levels during cycling in the supine and upright positions. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2018;1072:133-137.
  • Tsubaki A, Morishita S, Tokunaga Y, Sato D, Tamaki H, Yamazaki Y, Qin W, Onishi H. Changes in cerebral oxyhaemoglobin levels during and after a single 20-minute bout of moderate-intensity cycling. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2018;1072:127-131.
  • Fu JB, Morishita S, Yadav R. Changing paradigms in the rehabilitation of inpatients with brain tumors. Curr Phys Med Rehabil Rep. 2018;6(2):115-120.
  • 森下慎一郎,藤重夫,奥田生久恵,重富雄太,椿淳裕.造血幹細胞移植患者の活動量と身体機能低下の関連性について.医療の広場 .2018;58(7): 18-21.
  • 森下慎一郎, 中村和司, 中山靖唯, 松永佑哉, 永井将貴. 造血幹細胞移植患者の筋力低下パターンと身体活動量の関連性を解明する. 大和証券ヘルス財団研究業績集.2019; (42):53-58.
  • Yamamoto S, Hotta K, Ota E, Matsunaga A, Mori R. Exercise‐based cardiac rehabilitation for people with implantable ventricular assist devices. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2018; 9:CD012222.
  • Hirai DM, Colburn TD, Craig JC, Hotta K, Kano Y, Musch TI, Poole DC. Skeletal muscle interstitial O2 pressures: bridging the gap between the capillary and myocyte. Microcirculation. 2018; e12497.
  • Hotta K, Behnke B, Masamoto K, Shimotsu R, Onodera N, Yamaguchi A, Poole D, Kano Y. Microvascular Permeability of Skeletal Muscle After Eccentric Contraction-Induced Muscle Injury: In Vivo Imaging Using Two-Photon Laser Scanning Microscopy. Journal of Applied Physiology. 2018; 125 (2): 369-380.
  • Hotta K, Behnke BJ, Arjmandi BH, Ghosh P, Chen B, Brooks R, Maraj JJ, Elam ML, Maher P, Kurien D, Churchill A, Sepulveda JL, Kabolowsky MB, Christou D, Muller-Delp JM. Daily muscle stretching enhances blood flow, endothelial function, capillarity, vessel density and connectivity in aged skeletal muscle. The Journal of Physiology. 2018; 596 (10): 1903-1917.



  • Tsubaki A, Morishita S, Tokunaga Y, Sato D, Tamaki H, Yamazaki Y, Qin W, Onishi H. Changes in Cerebral Oxyhaemoglobin Levels During and After a Single 20-minute Bout of Moderate-intensity Cycling. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. [In press]
  • Yawata A, Tsubaki A, Yawata H, Takai H, Matsumoto K, Takehara N, Kobayashi R. Voluntary cough intensity and its influencing factors differ by sex in community-dwelling adults. Ther Adv Respir Dis. 2017: 11:12: 427-433
  • Ohyanagi H, Tsubaki A, Morishita S, Obata H, Qin W, Onishi H. Changes in the Prefrontal Cortex Oxygenation Levels during Cycling in the Supine and Upright Positions. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. [In press]
  • Yamauchi S, Morishita S, Mabuchi S, Kodama N, Domen K. Examination of Simple Outcome Measures and Cut-off Values Related to Walking Independence of Inpatients with Medical Diseases in Acute Care Hospitals. Progress in Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017: 2
  • Wakasugi T, Morishita S, Kaida K, Itani Y, Kodama N, Ikegame K, Ogawa H, Domen K. Impaired skeletal muscle oxygenation following allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is associated with exercise capacity. Support Care Cancer. [in press]



  • Tsubaki A, Takehara N, Sato D, Morishita S, TokunagaY, Sugawara K, Kojima S, Tamaki H, Yamazaki Y, Onishi H . Cortical oxyhemoglobin elevation persists after moderate-intensity cycling exercise: a near-infrared spectroscopy study.Adv Exp Med Biol
  • Morishita S, Kaida K, Yamauchi S, Wakasugi T, Ikegame K, Ogawa H, Domen K.Relationship of physical activity with physical function and health-related quality of life in patientshaving undergone allogeneic haematopoietic stem-cell transplantation. Eur J Cancer Care
  • Morishita S.Prevalence of Sarcopenia in Cancer Patients: Review and Future Directions.Int J Phys Med Rehabil
  • Takehara N, Tsubaki A, Yamazaki Y, Kanaya C, Sato D, Morishita S, Onishi H.Changes in cortical oxyhemoglobin during low- and moderate-intensity cycling exercise : A near-infrared spectroscopy study.Adv Exp Med Biol